
日本人だけではなかろうが、一国の国民性(National Character)は不変ではない。時代の推移によって変わるものである。

このほど、<大学共同利用機関法人 情報システム研究機構>(Research Organization of Information and Systems)の「統計数理研究所」(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)が《日本人の国民性調査》(The Surveys of the Japanese National Character)を実施した。約50種類のリサーチ項目の中から、20世紀半ばから半世紀を経たこんにち、最も変化が著しい国民の意識や考えを拾ってみた。

 “If you had no children, would you think it desirable to adopt a
child in order to continue the family line, even if there is no
blood relationship? Or do you not think this is important? ”
★Would adopt---1953年:78% 2008年:20%
★Would not adopt---1953年:20% 2008年:59%

豊かさ(人間らしさ)は減りはしない』 というのですが、あなたはこ,の意
 “Some people say that no matter how mechanized the world gets,
nothing can reduce the richness of human feelings. Do you agree
with this opinion, or do you disagree?”
  ★agree---- 1953年:68% 2008年:39%
★disagree----1953年:17% 2008年:30%

 “Suppose that a child comes home and says that he has heard a
rumor that his teacher had something to get himself into trouble,
and suppose that the parent knows this to be true. Do you think
it is better for the parent to tell the child the truth, or to
deny it?”   
★Deny it --- 1953年:39% 2008年:20%
★Tell the truth---- 1953年:40% 2008年:62%