お恥ずかしいニッポン--NO to nuclear weapons ban

UN votes to start negotiation treaty to ban nuclear weapons--国連が『核兵器禁止条約』制定のための交渉開始の決議案を採択。ところが日本の態度は? Japan won't support U.N. resolution urging nuclear weapons ban(日本はこの国連決議案を支持せず)-- U.S., Japan oppose and China abstains as U.N. votes to launch talks on nuclear arms ban(米日は反対、中国は棄権)。
実情は....Japan, which comes under the U.S. nuclear umbrella...(日本は米国の核の傘の下にあるから)だろう。<あいまいな国ニッポン>どころの騒ぎでは収まらない。被団協を始め長年核兵器廃絶を求めてきた人たちに対する「裏切り行為」だと糾弾されても仕方がない。外電も驚きと失望を隠さない-- Japan, which has long campaigned against the use of nuclear weapons, voted against it, as did South Korea, which is facing a nuclear threat from North Korea--あれほど北朝鮮核兵器の脅威に晒されながら、決議案に反対する韓国・日本はどうなってるの?
.....the decision by Japan, the only country to have ever suffered a nuclear attack, to vote against the draft disappointed some anti-nuclear campaigners(唯一の被爆国日本の今回の反対は多くの反核運動家たちを失望させた)

◎Funny after all the official whining about victim Japan, worst victim of WW2 because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now the truth is out. The LDP loves The Bomb as long as it might be dropped on someone else--- 広島・長崎に原爆を投下され、第二次大戦最大の被害国と公式に名乗る日本でありながら、今やその事実は消し飛んだ。自民党核兵器が好きなのだ、自国以外に落とされる限り---
◎Japan the arm dealer and now Japan in favor of nuclear weapons---兵器売人の日本は今や核兵器支持者となった---
◎What lessons Japan might have leaned from having two nuclear bombs dropped on them seem to have been forgotten by the present generation---2発の原爆を投下されたことから得た教訓は。現代人には忘れ去られたようだ---
◎It seems that Japan is looking to develop its own nuclear arsenal--日本はどうやら自ら核兵器保有しようとする傾向にあるようだ---
◎The Japanese government's action clearly doesn't represent the will of its people. This is what happens when Japan doesn't have an independent foreign policy. ---日本政府の行動は明らかに国民の意志を代表していない。これは日本が自立した外交政策を持ち合わせていない証拠だ---
◎Abe shows his true colors finally. He just doesn't want to turn on the nuke reactors. he wants to make Japan a nuclear weapon power-- Abeはとうとう独自カラーを現した。彼は原子炉に点火する気はないが、日本を核大国にしたいのだ---
◎Good. That means Japan wants its own nuclear weapons, just to threaten UK and turn the whole thing to the other side--- わかった。日本は核兵器を開発したいわけだ。北朝鮮を脅かし反転攻勢に出るためだ---