Foot-in-mouth disease(失言癖/妄言癖)というよりblind belief(妄信)だ!

Foot-in-mouth disease strikes Toru Hashimoto--「失言癖(妄言癖)にまたもや罹ったHahsimoto氏」と某英字紙。
CNNはJapanese politician calls wartime sex slaves 'necessary'のheadlineのもと、Toru Hashimoto:"Anyone would understand"e the role of "comfort women"(Hashiotoの発言ー「誰でも慰安婦の役割は理解しているはずだ」−)とズバリ。

おまけに奇怪千万な発言まで自ら暴露したー沖縄米軍基地を視察時に陸軍司令官に語ったというーThe adult entertainment business in Japan should be "utilized more" by U.S personnel(日本の成人用風俗業をもっと米軍兵士に有効活用させるべきです)
H氏自ら発言趣旨・内容を生々しく語るー"I told him there are places that operate within the boundaries of the law which can be used for releasing sexual frustration, so the U.S. military should fully utilize it or the marines won't be able to control their aggressive sexual desires."

<恐れ入谷の鬼子母神>だ。失言どころではない。妄言と云うべきか妄信か? 言うなれば確信犯だ。
“U.S. troops in Okinawa put on curfew ”(オキナワでは米兵には夜間外出禁止令が出ている)と国務次官が激怒。
"Mayor Hashimoto's comment is outrageous and offensive. As the United States has started previously, what happened in that era to those women, who were trafficked for sexual purposes, is deplorable and clearly grave human right violations of enormous proportions. We understand that mayor Hashimoto is planning to travel to the United States, but in the light of these statements, we are not sure that anyone will want to meet with him."

"He is Mayor. If Japanese are ready regret on what they did during the WWⅡ,they have to force the guy to resign, but what happened is opposite way. No matter how many time the Japan government apologizes are useless. Asian people know they didn't regret on the wrong doing."
