頑迷固陋な『壁』を突き崩すモノは"We, the people,"

Barack Obama大統領2期目の就任式がMartin Luther King, Jr.生誕記念日と重なった1/21。この日のThe 2nd Presidential Inaugural Addressに集まった聴衆は60万人。史上最多160万人の歓呼と異様な興奮に包まれた4年前、2009年に比べ高揚感に欠けたものの厳寒のCapitol Hillにはある種荘厳なムードが漂っていた。米政治専門サイト「ポリティコ」のコメントを待つまでもなく“これまでになくリベラル色の強い”スピーチだった。

Obama氏はフレーズの多くをWe, the people(我々国民は・・)、My fellows Americans(我が同胞アメリカ国民は・・)で切り出した。米国民の融和・結束を訴えたものだ。

“.... A decade of war is now ending. A economic recovery has begun.
America's possibilities are limitless, for possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention.”

“Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lane of Newtown, know that they are cared for, and cherished, and always safe from harm”

聴衆が首肯しapplauseしたこの一節は、あの50年前の8/26--M.L. King's Speech“I have a dream..”を彷彿させる--
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character."


The 2nd Obama Administrationのjourneyやmissionの前に『下院の壁』とhawkish & conservative peopleが立ちはだかる。大半の米国人は議会に不信を抱き、“決められない政治”にウンザリしている。
Vice President Joe Bidenが昨年9月のDNCで決然と宣言していた--

"A journey--a journey we haven't finished yet. We know we will have more to do." "Together, we're on a mission--we're on a mission to move this nation forward. From doubt and downturn to promise and prosperity. A mission I guarantee you we will complete. A mission we complete"

就任式を終えた翌日(1/22)、President Obamaから支持者にメールが届いた--
“I just renewed my oath of office to serve as your for more years. Thank you for making this possible. It's an honor to be your president. Now it's time to finish what we started--let's get going."
P.S.--- Organizing for Action is the next step in our grassroots movement and it'll be crucial to finishing that.”
簡潔なこの“Thank you”Emailには心こもるモノがある。4年前の原点、初志貫徹を期すBarack Obamaが最も頼るべきはThe White Houseの側近ではなくむしろ草の根の支持、世論の力だ。