日本人の智慧と力を信じるPresident Obama

President Obamaが半ば突如、予告なしにWashingtonの日本大使館を訪れ、核放射能物質拡散の懸念が深まる日本の窮状を見舞い、a Book of Condolenceにメッセージを記帳した。

“My hearts goes out to the people of Japan during the enormous tragedy. Please know that America will always stand by one of its greatest allies during their time of need.”
“Because of the strength and wisdom of its people, we know that Japan will recover and emerge stronger than ever. And as it recovers, the memory of those who have been lost will remain in our hearts and will serve only to strengthen the friendship between our two countries.
May God Bless the people of Japan. ”
日本人の逞しさと知恵をもってすれば、窮状を克服、復旧を果たし、従来に増して力強い国家として復興するだろうとBarack Obama氏は確信している。

handwritingのメッセージが心を打つ。“strength and wisdom”(力と知恵)は何か難題や困難に直面したときボクがしばしば組織を鼓舞するため使うフレーズだ。

God Bless Japan!